I'm a virgin guy living in a college dorm and somehow I contracted pubic lice (aka crabs.) I'd been a little itchy in my nether region but I didn't make much of it 'till I noticed what I thought was a scab start moving.
Needless to say, I panicked and plucked as many of the little buggers out as I could. When that wasn't satisfactory, I shaved all around my groin/butt and legs (I found one or two of them above my knee too.) I bought the CVS brand of medicated shampoo and applied it. I washed my bedding, all my clothes, and vacuumed my room. Is there anything else I can do aside from reapply the shampoo in a week? Do I clean my bedding again in a week after my second treatment? I'm not convinced I got all the lice because I can't see everywhere, and I couldn't really use the nit comb since I shaved. (Except my butt, kinda hard to shave/reach back there so will the medication kill those eggs too?) Thanks a bunch, this has been an awful experience.Will shaving + medicated shampoo get rid of crabs?
As soon as you know you have crabs either from a doctor or your partner, go to the pharmacy and ask for Permethrin 1% cr猫me rinse, or skin cream in a tube and a bottle of Mexana powder. (Avoid buying Lindane ingredient shampoo otherwise known as Kwell芒, which is being studied for nerve and brain damage.) While you are out, go to Wal-Mart and pick up two new pillows, a new set of bed sheets and a new blanket. (You don鈥檛 need to buy these items if you have spare items that you haven鈥檛 touched in the last thirty days. Lastly, pick up and appropriate size plastic mattress cover, (twin, queen, king, etc.).
Go back to your place and strip your bed down to the mattress. Put ALL pillows and bedclothes, (even bed spread or comforter) in a large garbage bag and seal it.
Next, strip down and shower. (Consider shaving off ANY coarse hair off of your body, except eyebrows and eyelashes. Shave your chest, armpits, pubic hair, beard and moustache off. Pubic hair grows back fairly quickly and you will most likely eliminate the tenacious eggs (nits) that cling to the hair. No eggs, no future crabs.) Later on, thoroughly clean the bathroom with a disinfectant foam or light bleach solution.
Next, dry off thoroughly and apply the Permethrin 1% cream from your knees to your chest. Wait 10 minutes. Step back into the shower and thoroughly wash it off. Dry off and then dust your armpits, groin and chest with the Mexana medicated powder. The powder does three things: medicates the irritated bite marks on your body, relieves itching, and helps to speed up the destruction of the crab parasites by hastening dehydration and promoting death. Examine your eyebrows carefully for nits, or eggs. Read the instructions on the bottle to see if you can use the Permethrin on your eyebrows. Most products say you cannot.
Put on clean clothes AND socks that you have not worn in the last two weeks.
Go back to your bedroom and put the new plastic mattress cover on your bare mattress. Put fresh sheets and pillows on the bed and the fresh blanket.
Look around the room. Do you have chairs in the room with cushions? Seal the cushions in the plastic garbage bag too.
Next go into the living room and take the cushions out of the sofa and any chair cushions. Put them in a plastic garbage bag. Seal the bag.
The carpet is usually not a problem, but if you think it is, you have a few choices:
Hire a professional company to come out.
Rent a steamer from the grocery store or home improvement center and buy a small bottle of eucalyptus essential oil from the health food store and use it to kill the crabs in the carpet. Use the regular machine soap then go over the area with the eucalyptus oil. This is also a non-toxic way to kill fleas too!
Sprinkle crushed or powdered salt around to fatally dehydrate the crabs, wait a week and then vacuum thoroughly.
Now the last thing you have to think about is your bed linens and your regular laundry. Heat kills Crabs. If you can鈥檛 put your nice bedroom comforter and in a hot commercial dryer, then have them dry-cleaned. In fact, why not give all of your laundry to the cleaner for thorough cleaning? If you elect to do your own laundry, leave non-washable items in the hot commercial dryer for 15 minutes. Dry all clothes, after washing in hot water, in the dryer on high for at least thirty minutes. After you have done all of this, you may re-treat your body in a week, just to be sure. Otherwise you should be fine. It is not unusual to itch for another two weeks even after you have gotten rid of the Crabs. Part of it is psychological and part of it is your skin being irritated from being bit. See a doctor if any bite areas appear infected or swollen, or if your eyelids become infected. Examine your eyebrows carefully and periodically to check for Crab eggs.Will shaving + medicated shampoo get rid of crabs?
this is a cool way my nan told me this one she was a nurse!!!
shave off all pubic hair.....lice need hair to attach too
go to chemist and get a nit solution and apply but nan said going totally baldy was the old fashioned way to do it and very organic!!lie on back naked and stretch bum apart and use mirror
that was a bit of bad luck eh!
you probabley have killed them all off but i can understand why you are worried that you havent.
medicated shampoo should work also buy the spray for lice to use on bedding. Keep it around cuz in a drom who knows who sits on your bed or uses your bath room and towels. if you truly are a virgin someone spread it around all over your stuff.
I think you need to take a trip to the doctor and get some proper treatment.
have to remove the hair, as a matter of choice (my wife says I look good like it) I shave the front and cream the butt.
you will need all new bedding
if you in a dormatory then all the beds need new bedding
one of your room mates has contracted it and it has spread in your room.
you should consider moving rooms, unles the culprit has already gone
Put some Vaseline on any areas that are hairy (dont forget your eyebrows ) and relax. I know they are horrible but the shampoo will sort them out.
Medicated shampoo will not kill the lice if there any left. You might have them in your armpits or hair. You need to visit the chemist and ask for advice on the proper lotion you need to use. Your bedding will need to be washed at the highest temp the machine will do and the mattress disinfected. Use a nit comb in your hair. Don't panic they are easily eradicated and more common than most people realise.
Change your bedding daily and used the shampoo everywhere hairy,they can live in all of your hair including your stomach and armpit hair.
You need to be using Head lice shampoo
Pubic lice are best treated with a prescription wash such as Elimite or Kwell:
* Thoroughly work the shampoo into the pubic hair and surrounding area for at least 5 minutes.
* Rinse well.
* Comb the pubic hair with a fine-tooth comb to remove eggs (nits). Applying vinegar to pubic hair before combing may help loosen nits, but the hair should be dry when applying the shampoo.
A single treatment is all that is usually needed. If another treatment is recommended, it should be done 4 days to 1 week later.
Over-the-counter medications for the treatment of lice include Rid and Nix.
At the time of treatment, wash all clothing and linens in hot water. Items that cannot be washed may be sprayed with a medicated spray or sealed (suffocated) in plastic bags and not used for 10 - 14 days. It is imperative for all intimate contacts to receive treatment at the same time.
People with pubic lice should be evaluated for other sexually-transmitted disease at the time of diagnosis.
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